Your hope 1人練習用の 農業と食物に今挑戦している初心者ですが、七面鳥はどうやって捕まえることができますか?...
#1匿名08/26 04:44
Your hope 1人練習用の 農業と食物に今挑戦している初心者ですが、七面鳥はどうやって捕まえることができますか? 探した感じトウワタが見当たらず弓を作ることができません。 火起し用の弓かなにかを解体して弓矢に戻すのでしょうか?
#2kinkiest08/26 06:59
I can't read or understand anything
#3匿名08/26 12:05
Have you ever tried the practice server, which you should farm plants and make 10 foods in you are hope? In the room i can not find any materials for making a bow, and i can not hunt a big bird. There are just a processed bow for making fire. Do you have some idea about that?
#4匿名08/27 23:15
Do you know yew trees? Make a bow using a yew stick and rope. Arrows can be made by combining the skewers and thread and then adding the feathers.